Este ebook gratuito del libro de Jesús Quintanilla Osorio «The heritage» en formato ePub es perfecto para ser leído en un lector de ebooks o en tablets y smartphones con las apps adecuadas. ePub es un formato abierto, compacto y compatible, por lo que es el que se recomienda desde a todos los lectores.
Este texto está etiquetado como Christmas.
4 págs. / 8 minutos / 13 KB.
11 de octubre de 2022.
The box was opened. A figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
"Did you think I would have a lot of money?" Said a voice, soft, fitted with a special kindness.
"Lord ... Klaus, I suppose, must apologize ... The Desperation is a bad counselor "
The man laughed, as if amused response.
"Do not worry, it was time to come"
The man walked up to the box and pulled out a rolled paper the sole occupant of this.
"This is my legacy," he said. "Is the title of a large field, perhaps a mansion? Please tell us, at least we will have to talk about in our cold cell ", Santin asked.