Textos por orden alfabético inverso publicados el 11 de octubre de 2022

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fecha: 11-10-2022

The heritage

Jesús Quintanilla Osorio




Klaus Vincent's arrival, the previously unknown Greenlandic character with the richest tradition of his nation, had arrived in Paris in the middle of the comments of the Press that at the beginning of the century, 1803, suggested the existence of large inheritance to the heir son of Klaus. In its extensive genealogy, knowledgeable on the subject, assured There were all kinds of kings and princes trasmitiéndose a legacy of exorbitant sums.

And home he held upon his arrival in the Old City of Light, moving to anyone who would like to feel that thinking was a very wealthy man and full of riches.

So when the famous thieves and La Pierre Santin Other brother read in the eighth page of the cover as special news, immediately began to be thought of so fabulous sum amount.

"Have you read the paper this morning, others?" He asked Santin.

From the bathroom and with his usual temper, others will said almost curtly.

"Any bright ideas? From the house robberies Mar no we were lucky "

"This time it sounds different, brother ... It Greenlandic"

"What is that? Is not Greenland a large piece of ice no more to ice ...? What is special about this guy? Icebergs?? "

"You're unbearably pessimistic, Demas. Come, now is the coffee "

Other entered the room visibly upset, as all morning, as if he weighed be part of this world.

"It is that, as always, remember to Dad, and I think not arrived or heels "

"Well, my brother, that father was a prosperous merchant and us few common thieves, not mean much ... We could have been like him, but you see We ignored the grandmother ... ", and hated himself for remembering Santín other Once an episode that increasingly saddened them more 

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4 págs. / 8 minutos / 18 visitas.

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2022 por Jesús Quintanilla Osorio.

The heritage

Jesús Quintanilla Osorio.

Heritage, friends, peace, christmas day



Klaus Vincent's arrival, the previously unknown Greenlandic character with the richest tradition of his nation, had arrived in Paris in the middle of the comments of the Press that at the beginning of the century, 1803, suggested the existence of large inheritance to the heir son of Klaus. In its extensive genealogy, knowledgeable on the subject, assured There were all kinds of kings and princes trasmitiéndose a legacy of exorbitant sums.

And home he held upon his arrival in the Old City of Light, moving to anyone who would like to feel that thinking was a very wealthy man and full of riches.

So when the famous thieves and La Pierre Santin Other brother read in the eighth page of the cover as special news, immediately began to be thought of so fabulous sum amount.

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4 págs. / 8 minutos / 19 visitas.

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2022 por Jesús Quintanilla Osorio.

El Primer Rancho

Javier de Viana


Hubo una vez un casal humano nacido en una tierra virgen. Como eran sanos, fuertes y animosos y se ahogaban en el ambiente de la aldea donde torpes capitanejos, astutos leguleyos, burócratas sebones disputaban preeminencias y mendrugos, largáronse y sumergiéronse en lo ignoto de la medrosa soledad pampeana. En un lugar que juzgaron propicio, acamparon. Era en la margen de de un arroyuelo, que ofrecía abrigo, agua y leña. Un guanaco, apresado con las boleadoras, aseguró por varios días el sustento. El hombre fué al monte, y sin más herramienta que su machete, tronchó, desgajó y labró varios árboles. Mientras éstos se oreaban a la intemperie, dióse a cortar paja brava en el estero inmediato. Luego, con el mismo machete, trazó cuatro líneas en la tierra, dibujando un cuadrilátero, en cada uno de cuyos ángulos cavó un hoyo profundo, y en cada uno clavó cuatro horcones. Otros dos hoyos sirvieron para plantar los sostenes de la cumbrera. Con los sauces que suministraron las "tijeras” y las ramas de "envira” que suplieron los clavos, quedó armado el rancho. Con ramas y barro, alzó el hombre animoso las paredes de adobe; y luego después hizo la techumbre con la “quincha” de paja, y quedó lista la morada, construcción mixta basada en la enseñanza de dos grandes arquitectos agrestes: el hornero y el boyero.

Y así nació el primer rancho, nido del gaucho.

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Dominio público
1 pág. / 1 minuto / 30 visitas.

Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2022 por Edu Robsy.